Convention Swap Card

One of the things that a lot of demonstrators do at convention is card swaps.  You make a bunch of the same card and you swap for other card ideas with the other demonstrators.

I ran out of time this year to make swaps but my upline and sister, Tina, was in an organized swap.  All the ladies met for lunch (which I was able to attend).  They took a break during eatting to line up in the hall way and swap cards with each other.  She came back with approx. 50 different card ideas.  This is the card that Tina made — I was lucky enough to get one of them.  Isn't it a beautiful card.  She made the background of the card with the Honeycomb Embossing Folder and ink sponged onto the folder.  Such a great idea.

Tina's Swap Card

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