Convention Begins

Today was the first day of convention. Here are only a few of the people standing in line this morning waiting for the doors to open for General Session. There are about 4,000 demonstrators here in Salt Lake City for 3 fun filled days.
Here are 4 of us sitting in the hall waiting for everything to begin. This is my upline and sister Tina, my downline and daughter Katie, and downline member America, downline member Jenn was taking the picture. We had one more team member coming in from Alaska but she couldn't make it until about noon. She was even a lucky winner this morning.
After the General Session we split up to attend different classes. Tina, Katie and I went on to our first Make & Take session. Then we looked at displays of Holiday catalog goodies. You are going to LOVE the new Holiday Catalog. It is available beginning August 28th. Lots of fun classes to start planning.

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