JOY Little Letters Tutorial

Ok, so I told you I would do a mini tutorial for the JOY Little Letters card.
Here goes:

JOYStart by lining up the letters of your word — put a piece of washi tape (or painter's tape) over the top half of the letters.
Then take a piece of cardstock — 4 1/4" x 5 1/2"s (use a different color than your card base) — slip this cardstock under the bottom edge of the letters (you want it under only a little bit). 
Put another piece of washi tape over the letters lining it up at the top of the cardstock.

Next carefully lift the letters and taped cardstock up from your work surface and place it on your card base (5 1/2" x 8 1/2" — do not score it). 
Line the bottom and sides of the cardstocks up. 

Cutting Plate
Put this stack on your Big Shot Platform — preferably the Magnetic Platform — don't forget to put a cutting plate on the platform first.  Take the second cutting plate and set in over the top half of the card base — cover the letters.  Line the bottom edge of the cutting plate up with the top edge of the "scrap" cardstock – don't completely cover up the letters or you will have JOY cut out of the middle of the piece of cardstock.  Run this through the Big Shot holding the top cutting plate in place.

Remove ScrapRemove the "scrap" cardstock and carefully peel away the washi tape.  Gently remove the Little Letters Thinlits from the card base.
ScoringPut the card base into your paper trimmer (or scoring tool) and score the base just under the cut letters.
 FoldedGently fold the card in half, be careful of the letters, you don't want to tear them off the card.  The letters stand above the base of the card (the cut out section is the back of the card).
 CuttingCut 1 inch  
Put the folded card into your paper trimmer — line the top of the letters up at the 4 1/4" mark.  Cut off the bottom portion of the card (it will cut off approximately 1" — but you want to be sure the letters are at 4 1/4").

Stamp and decorate your card.  Here's the finished card that I did.

Joy Standing Letters




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