Last night was my stamping event to help support our Military Personnel. Eighteen ladies joined together to stamp 60 Christmas cards that will be included in the donation boxes.
Maria is dropping off her donations while Robin tries to organize the boxes a little. Robin started collection the donations 3 years ago. Last year we combined forces, Robin, Tammy and I held a stamping night where I designed cards for the ladies to stamp and send to troops all over the world. Robin called a couple weeks ago to see if I was interested in doing it again this year so I put it on my November class list. The class fee was bring the items on the donation list and any extra cards they had at home.
This was shortly after we started. Robin ended up with 8 boxes filled with donation items and 1 box filled with cards. It was a very successful evening.
Here is Laurie,Cindy, Maria, Sheila and many others stamping away.
Here's another table of happy stampers. Jennifer brought two of her daughters to help out.
It was a great night of stamping and a wonderful way to start out the holiday season.