NEW Annual Catalog Day!!

WooHoo — the new Annual Catalog begins today.
Today is a special day because you can combine all three catalogs for this one day only!!
That's right, you have today left to get those last few things from the Occasions Catalog, or the 2014-2015 Annual Catalog or you can start ordered those great items on your wish list from the brand new catalog — and there are a lot of great new items to choose from.

Once of my favorite new sets is the Build a Birthday Stamp Set — love this set.
You can make a birthday cake, a stack of presents or maybe a row of candles.
Check out this adorable project that I saw at our Share Event in Hawaii.
Sprinkles of LIfe Pull Up
This card is great just like this. 
But the demonstrator that designed this card took it one step further.
Sprinkles of Life Pull Up Inside
WOW — it's a double slider card.
I haven't made one of those in a really long time.
I think it's time to give it a try again.
How about you??

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